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What's wrong with my dog's ear?

by Dina
(Lexington NC, US)

Infected Dog's Ear

Infected Dog's Ear

Ongoing Dog Ear Infection: A stray Shih Tzu showed up at my husband's shop about a month ago. She was so skinny, smelled really bad, and her hair was in knots. Her hair was wrapped around her feet& carpenter tacks mangled in her hair as well. Her nails were an inch and a half long, and they were also mangled in hair. She had poop embedded on the outside of her left ear and it had to be cut out. The inside of her ear smelled really bad; kind of like rotting flesh.

I took her to an animal hospital to get her checked out. After cleaning her up, everything about her checked out okay except for her left ear. The Vet never took a scraping of her ear, but gave her an antibiotic shot, some drops, cortisteroids and an oral antibiotic. The ear infection did not get better.

Two weeks later I took her to another Vet. Same thing: shot, drops and an antibiotic. They did put her to sleep so they could clean her ear out. Once again, they took no scraping. It is now two weeks again and her ear is still bad, now it's bleeding on the inside. She has an appointment to see a new Vet - this week.

I have spent 400.00 on her ear. Can someone please give me some information to take with me to the Veterinarian so I can make sure that this visit is effective in treating her ear infection?

I have posted a photo of her ear, it's a little fuzzy, but you can see how bad her ear is - it also really smells really bad.

Please help! Thanks.

Response from The Dog Biscuit:
This sounds, and looks, like a serious problem and you do need to see a Veterinarian to get the help you need. When you visit the Vet this time, make sure that you bring a list of the medications and treatments you've already tried with your previous veterinarians - your new Vet will need to know and understand the history of the treatments and the fact that it hasn't worked. Your dog may also develop a resistance to antibiotics if over-treated with them.

From the picture, it looks like there is swelling so it's important to ask your vet if the infection needs to be lanced to relieve the pressure and swelling. You've mentioned scraping the ear - and I assume testing for the type of infection. Ask your Vet if he/she doesn't want to do that, why not? (It could be because the Vet is pretty certain what the issue is and feels it can be treated with meds - however you've had two unsuccessful experiences and need to make sure that you clearly communicate that to your new Vet.
Hopefully your dog gets better soon - please let us know how your visit goes and if this dog ear infection problem gets cleared up!

For more information, visit dog ear infections.

Kris from The Dog Biscuit.

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May 19, 2018
help me please NEW
by: jennifer

My dogs name is Black and he is more than my life.
Few days ago,he started bringing his doggy friends at home.HIS doggy friends were homeless AND ALSO SAVAGE.One day,my dad brought a new female dog at home for Black because he was always lonely and had no friends.All these homeless,stray dogs wanted to mate my new female dog.Black wanted to save the female dog but he was alone to fight all the dogs.While fighting,he got hurt in his ear and
it is now rotting a little bit.I tries all things but in vain.

Jun 12, 2012
Ear infection continued NEW
by: Dina

I have recently have taken my dog back to the vet. They gave me an ear flush called Keto flush + PS, also they have put her a another antibotic. It looks a little better, it doesn't smell as bad, but now it is bleeding. I dont know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. There is not as much pus, but it is constantlly draining. The vet said they had nothing they could give her to dry it out. The sudgest i get a biopsy done to rule out cancer. I love her so much, and i can not afford getting her ear removed, God brought her to me for a reason and he knows better than anyone that I ca not afford to put out that kind of money. She is full of life, she eats well, she has good balance. I don't know what else to do. Someone please help!

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