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Doggy Training Tips

Check with Dog Trainer Schools For the Name of a Good Trainer

Effectively training your doggy requires time, patience and good dog training tips. Invest in basic dog obedience training classes (make sure your trainer attended one of the many dog trainer schools - a well trained teacher will help both your dog, and you, learn the basics quickly and effectively).

A List of Dog Training Tips:

Below is a list of dog training tips for the right and wrong way to approach the training. Let's start with the wrong way:

  • Confining a dog in a small space for long periods of time. Never pen a dog up in an area where they can’t eliminate if they must be in there for more than 4 to 6 hours.

    Forcing a dog to soil their area isn’t good for them. The solution is to place them in an area where they have a place to eliminate if they must be there for an extended amount of time.

  • Cutting their walk or playtime short as soon as they eliminate. Dogs need their exercise.

    If the only time they get their exercise is when you walk them to eliminate and as soon as they go you take them back in, they will learn to hold it in longer so they can stay out longer. It's important to allow them to eliminate, then have some exercise time - either by walking them or allowing them a chance to run free.

  • Punishing your dog verbally or physically for having an accident. Yelling at the dog only serves to make them nervous and they won't learn in an environment where they are constantly stressed.

    Rubbing the dog's nose in the mess does no good, they view it as you being mean, rather than associating the action with their accidental elimination.

Positive Doggy Training Advice: Basic Dog Obedience Training

This dog training advice offers positive reinforcement to their successful training:

  • Clean up accidents. This means getting out an effective cleanser that will take the ammonia out of the soiled area - and wash and rinse it so there is no evidence left of the accident. Dogs will not remember where they had the accident if they can't smell the area.

  • Confining the dog for short terms helps them to hold their eliminations until they are outside in the proper area to release it. This is good for short periods of time - under 4 to 6 hours, when supervision isn't available.

  • Frequency. The younger the puppy, the more frequently he or she will need to eliminate. Set them up for success by not giving them a chance to make a mess in the house. Be aware of their body schedule and anticipate when they need to go.

    Taking them out often allows them more than enough chances to eliminate in the areas you want them to go. Remember to lavish them with praise and rewards when they do go in the right place.

  • Leash. Train your dog outside with a leash, to properly show him or her the areas you want them to eliminate in. Walk them around and encourage them to behave while on a leash. Let them get plenty of exercise while walking and don't take them back inside immediately after eliminating.

  • Repetition. Take your doggy to eliminate in the same place every time. Taking them to the same places each time lets them smell the odors they left behind and will prompt them to go in the same location again and again.

  • Be consistent with your doggy when training them. Consistency and much praise and reward for doing the right thing will encourage them to become a successfully housetrained pet.

We recommend working with a dog trainer, especially with a new puppy or a new, adopted doggy. Check local dog trainer schools to see where basic dog obedience training classes are being held and for a referral to a well trained teacher.

Taking Care of Your Doggy

If you want a well trained and well behaved dog you not only need to do training with him or her, you also need to make sure your pet is in good health. Take your dog to the veterinarian for a check up and for regular shots. Make sure that your dog's skin, coat, ears, eyes, digestive system and more are in good condition.

Feed your dog healthy, homemade dog food and dog treats (like dog biscuits or vegetable treats). Check your dog's ears and teeth regularly (at least several times a week and daily is best) for prevention and maintenance. We recommend using Pet Alive's Ear Dr. for dog ear mites and ear infections.

Keeping your dog's ears clean also means they have not excuse not to hear you and obey your commmands!

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This site is for informational purposes only. If you have an issue with your dog's health, please see your vet.
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