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Dog Skin Conditions

Dog Skin Irritation Can Be Painful for Your Dog

Dog skin conditions are uncomfortable for your pet. Dog skin disorders include dog skin infection, canine rashes, and more. Ensure that the dog skin irritation is not a signal of something more serious.

Dog skin conditions can have a variety of causes; a dog skin infection is also called Pyodermas.

These dog skin irritations can include bacteria, fungus, allergy, parasites and hormonal causes.

Often a skin infection is likely a secondary condition: the primary might be allergies, a parasite, hormonal, an immune system issue, or something else.

Common causes for dog skin disorders and infections are explored below. Note: Skin conditions and irritations are uncomfortable for your pet and need to be treated before they become a bigger health issue for your canine - do look for the cause of the irritation so you can properly treat your pet.

Dog Skin Conditions Causes: Bacterial

One of the most common canine skin infections stems from Staph bacteria. The good news is that you will not have to worry about your other pets with Staphylococci (it's not contagious to other pets in the household). The basic symptoms include skin that has yellow bumps slowly turning red and ulcerating. This, in turn, causes crusty itchy patches that irritate your canine and causes hair loss.

Bacterial infections may appear on the entire dog, or just his or her trunk. It appears much like acne in humans. Dogs, who have skin folds, are very susceptible to this form of infection. Treatment for bacteria includes getting rid of excess hair, cleaning with antibiotic shampoo or pills, and a wide face collar for the dog so that your pet doesn’t gnaw the spots.

Dog Skin Irritation: Fungal

The more common term for a dog with a skin fungal infection is ringworm. Young dogs seem far more susceptible to this kind of infection. As with bacterial infections, hair loss is quite common; it comes off in patches. Ringworm initially appears on a dog’s legs and head but can spread. It’s very itchy.

Dog skin disorders are quite common; particularly dog skin yeast infections. These can occur on the body, or in the outer ear. As other types of skin issues, this is uncomfortable for the dog and they will itch themselves raw if not treated.

As treatment, veterinarians usually prescribe fungal shampoos. There are also topical creams that may make your dog more comfortable. WARNING: This condition can be transferred to humans and other pets in the home for up to three months after treatment begins. Be very careful and visit your vet for treatment remedies as quickly as possible.

Dog Skin Infection: Allergies

Dog skin infections can be caused by allergies. Just like humans, canines can develop allergies at any time in their lives (often to food, certain fabrics, specific soaps, environmental conditions, etc.). Itchy skin may be accompanied with sneezing and watery eyes.

Skin allergies in dogs typically manifest as hot spots that may be treated with a corticosteriod. It can't be used for too long because it can be damaging but it will provide relief to your pet. The best treatment is to find out what your canine is allergic to; start by eliminating foods and changing to hypoallergenic foods.

Dog Skin Disorders: Parasites

Fleas are a parasite. Along with mites, these two bugs can cause irritation in dogs throughout their life. As with any other dog skin infection, the itching can become serious and even get infected. That’s why veterinarians strongly recommend treating the house before and after flea season so that your pet stays protected and doesn't get re-infected.

Once a dog has fleas, ticks, lice or another parasitic condition, they need a shampoo, dip, collar or other formula to get rid of the issue. The house must also be adequately treated to ensure no recurrence.

Dog Skin Conditions: Hormonal

Dog skin conditions can also be the result of hormonal problems or imbalances. This is difficult to diagnose because it resembles other skin issues (such as allergies). No matter what, when your dog develops a skin irritation that continues to itch, it’s important to see a Veterinarian so that your canine can get relief and avoid spreading the infection and/or worsening the condition.

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This site is for informational purposes only. If you have an issue with your dog's health, please see your vet.
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