Dog Biscuits for Allergy Sensitive Dogs
by L.A.
I am starting my own little wholesale dog biscuit bakery and I need to know what is the best flour OR flour substitute for dogs, that causes the least amount of allergies, for the least amount of dogs?
Good luck with your business. Comment from Sam, Wisconsin I'd like to see more dog treat providers consider supplying starch-free treats such as dry, smoked salmon chunks; or beef jerky; or freeze-dried liver treats. It's hard to find these naturally made products at the commercial dog food stores yet they're not that expensive to produce. My dogs have a number of food allergies (hard to believe but it's true - we've just over-exposed them I guess) and now I've really limited what they eat to minimize the reactions (skin problems, diarrhea and vomiting to name a few). My dogs seem to tolerate lamb, rice, vegetables and salmon fairly well. I haven't tried soy. I have tried beef jerky but my dogs' stomachs are pretty sensitive (lots of churning noises). They did better with turkey jerky that I got from a local turkey farm. Sam Read More: Return to The Dog Biscuit or find out more about Dog Skin Allergies. |
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